What is this chicken thinking?

I am a heroine....I just fought that snake off and although it spat at me I managed to divert it with my claws...

Pardon? what exactly is a hosepipe...? Yes the snake was blue and very long... a little like rubber but definately aggressive...it will not bother us again...I glared at it before I walked away...it was afraid...very afraid!

Oh how I hate getting caught in the rain
Sara look almost just like my BUCKY WoW and she thinking you didn't yell me that I had a twin brother!!!!

Really? Can I see a picture of him?:) She was a stray my mom found when someone dumped her, so I really don't know where her siblings are or if she has any.
here a picture of him when he was 4months old he's looking one mom what you want I'm sleeping

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