What is this color pattern called?


14 Years
Feb 2, 2009
northeast of Dallas
This is my Naked Neck cockerel. He's about 5 months old and came to us as a packing peanut from Ideal Poultry. His red brothers have all gone to freezer camp but this one has such pretty markings I am waiting to see if I can use him to breed some birds for fly tying use. (I fly fish and tie my flies - I am aware breeding to sell to fly tying folks is often very difficult but I'm pretty laid back about what feathers I could use. I'm into scavenging in general and have tied lots of flies from feathers I found on the ground.)
I'm interested in using the chicken calculator (kippenjungle) to see what might result from mating him with my existing hens, but I don't know what color this pattern is called. Sorry I don't have a closeup of a single feather but here's the closest shot I have.
Basically it looks to me like some sort of spangling - each body feather is black at the base, then red at the tip, with white splashed in with the black, and white lacing around the red part. It's not crele, and all the pictures I've found of red and black spangling are red at the base and black at the tip, without any white.
So any ideas on what this is would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Picture of his front? Looks like partial/incomplete lacing. Silver base color, but carrying a gene for red/gold base color, giving you that dark red leakage.
I'll see if I can get a picture of his front tomorrow- I don't think it's very different from his sides. I believe he's only got a couple bow tie feathers (thus homozygous for the naked neck gene) but I'll see if the breast is different from the sides.
So what does partial/incomplete lacing translate to genetically?
He's got 'autosomal' barring. Not the same as true, sexlinked, barring. It's what you see in breeds like Campines, Egyptian Fayoumi, and Silver Penciled Hamburgs. He's definitely got a birchen gene though, so he's got a generally darker appearance.
He's got 'autosomal' barring. Not the same as true, sexlinked, barring. It's what you see in breeds like Campines, Egyptian Fayoumi, and Silver Penciled Hamburgs. He's definitely got a birchen gene though, so he's got a generally darker appearance.
Thank you for all your help. I can tell I still have a lot of learning to do!
One other thing I forgot to mention is his chick down was solid black. I don't know if that means anything.

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