What is this Duck thinking

So here's another question! Every single time I go into my ducks enclosure, no matter what purpose I entered for be it feeding, watering, visiting etc. When I go to
The gate to leave...my male mallard chases after me and pecks at my feet. He might be in the middle of the most perfect swim, whatever he is doing he stops when I near the door and he chases after me!! I do it sometimes just to tease him bc it's so cute and hilarious! I always ask him why he does it, but he won't tell me!
Kaine (our lead drake) does this to me and my wife all the time (well he puts his head down and chases us like he is going to attack, but he never does.) I am sure as the dominant member of the flock he is just showing the rest of the flock that he isn't afraid of us big humans and he could take us on in a fair fight any time and any place.
Kaine (our lead drake) does this to me and my wife all the time (well he puts his head down and chases us like he is going to attack, but he never does.)  I am sure as the dominant member of the flock he is just showing the rest of the flock that he isn't afraid of us big humans and he could take us on in a fair fight any time and any place.  :lau
Is Kaine still being a good bewrd?
Is Kaine still being a good bewrd?
Kaine is the poster child of a good behaving lead drake. He makes sure everyone goes in at night. He keeps up a constant vigil against yard invaders. He coordinates daily activities. And he holds periodic meetings of the "Duck Yard Walker's Association." I don't think he has had a single Jerk moment since mid-October.

He is now putting up with excessive snuggling and kissing attention from us (he probably preferred solitary). He is also starting to come into his nice drake coloring again (getting less patchy all the time) so he is beautiful inside and outside. When he is like this, he is one of our favorite ducks. He is very calm about being picked up and he doesn't run away when you try to pick him up. This is why the idea of rehoming him is so difficult. Dr Jekyll is adorable
Mr Hyde belongs in a soup
Kaine is the poster child of a good behaving lead drake.  He makes sure everyone goes in at night.  He keeps up a constant vigil against yard invaders.  He coordinates daily activities. And he holds periodic meetings of the "Duck Yard Walker's Association."  I don't think he has had a single Jerk moment since mid-October.

He is now putting up with excessive snuggling and kissing attention from us (he probably preferred solitary).  He is also starting to come into his nice drake coloring again (getting less patchy all the time) so he is beautiful inside and outside.  When he is like this, he is one of our favorite ducks.  He is very calm about being picked up and he doesn't run away when you try to pick him up.  This is why the idea of rehoming him is so difficult.  Dr Jekyll is adorable :love    Mr Hyde belongs in a soup :mad: .
Awe, Tony, that really makes me happy. He is sincerely an incredible bird. Very well rounded for sure. I want him to continue because even the thought of rehoming him makes me sad. And he's not my duck. I am glad he's receptive to loves. Now, what is Tevye like when his hormones kick in? I envision him being mellow and sweet.

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