What is this little darling?

Barb Root Hinkkanen

6 Years
Aug 19, 2017
Mississippi Gulf Coast
My new chick, Wendigo Louise, because I want it to be a girl...is quite happy, friendly, and noisy. I am wondering if she is a rooster or hen. She is a Jubilee Orpington; her parents are gorgeous. How can one tell; she is 3 1/2 weeks old. What should I look for? I egg vent seems to be very large.
If you bought/hatched chicks with it ; compare its feathers to other chicks its age. If it has less feathers it may be a rooster. Another sign would be bigger legs, and bigger combs that are more red than the average chick. Lastly, a cockerel may have pointy feathers near its "mane" or neck area. Hope this helps .
If you bought/hatched chicks with it ; compare its feathers to other chicks its age. If it has less feathers it may be a rooster. Another sign would be bigger legs, and bigger combs that are more red than the average chick. Lastly, a cockerel may have pointy feathers near its "mane" or neck area. Hope this helps .
That’s all good! It has more feathers, the comb is small and not red and it’s legs are narrower than my other little cockerel. 😊

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