what is this on my game-cam?

I don't think estimating size is all that helpful because the black/white/grey shades tend to alter depth perception. I do think it's bigger and stouter than a housecat, and honestly, I do think it's a very young cougar.

maybe i can get some daylight photos.i thought about putting something there to get a size reference but then thought it might not come back.
I am very curious to see what you find out...The more I examine the pics, the more convinced I am it is a young cougar. The body stance is too "cat" Like to be a fox...just look at the hip shape!! The body stance....whew! Scary!
It is a big cat for sure,probably young cougar but in one picture it seemed to striations most of length of its' body. Possibly an adolescent jaguar?
Here in south Texas along the coast there have been sighting of jaguar. My brother and I are two of the people who've seen one. It was overhead in a tree with the full moon behind it giving a beautiful silhouette, I nearly crapped myself!
Anyway be careful!
seems like we have seen a lot of species that are not supposed to be this far north too--- like green jay from Mexico and XOLOITZQUINTLE (which I think is the 'Chupacabra' that has been seen around here, or a hybrid of Xoloitzquintle and coyote or Mexican wolf Just my opinion)
Perhaps trim back the one plant that is in front of your camera. It blocks the head in the one picture. Looks cat-like to me. And I have seen a 'big' cat in my neck of the Georgia woods. So they (Florida panthers) are here. With the drought, they may be expanding northward in search of water and prey.
seems like we have seen a lot of species that are not supposed to be this far north too--- like green jay from Mexico and XOLOITZQUINTLE (which I think is the 'Chupacabra' that has been seen around here, or a hybrid of Xoloitzquintle and coyote or Mexican wolf Just my opinion)

Jaguars were once prolific in the US. Game wardens illegally trapped and killed the last one a few years back down in the south... Maybe Texas?
Looks like a fox to me. As a soul that has studied many types of mamals it' totally has the marks of a fox. I have seen many a game cam that distorts the image due to the fact that your taking a picture. Regardless, i would set up some small sand traps to determine tracks and take it from there. No matter what it is it shouldn't deter you from your normal predator control.
i might be wrong,, but,, some bobcats DO grow tails. that is what this looks like to me.

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