what is this on my game-cam?

Can't wait to see how this turns out. But I can almost guarantee it is some sort of feline, either house cat, small cogar, or something else. You can easily tell it is not in the canine family, and is definitly not a fox. It has absolutly no characteristics of a fox. The legs, the body shape, the tail, and the head all tell you that it is some sort of cat. And I personally have never seen or heard of a bobcat with a long tail, but that is not to say they don't exist. Maybe it's one of them big housecats that folks are cross breeding the wild cat from africa and south america to get, the ones that cost you thousands of dollars to get. Good luck I hope you figure it out.
The way it carries its tail in 1,2, and 3 just seem to be feline. And the dark tip like the one in the picture below send chills up me.

No they don't--the "bob" in bobcat is because their tails are bobbed meaning cut short.

Short as in 8-10" which is still a pretty long tail. I have a friend who is a certified wildlife rehabber and the MoDOC brings her illegal animals they have confiscated from individuals. She has 2 bobcats and their tails are hardly bobbed....8-10" long.

After looking at the comparison someone made of the crow and the cat-like animal, I doubt it's a cougar, too small. But that tail is very cougar-like. I can't wait to see if you get any more pictures of it.

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