what is this on my game-cam?

thanks dretd,
yes ,it stinks when YOU are responsible for your childs pet and something happens,esp because of something you did or didn't do.
sorry about Goldie

as far as the raptor,i have no clue what it is other than a big one.i can't get color on my cam at night or with low light.
now that i have all the common predators on camera,i will only post pics of something new.the grey fox,coyote and feline(?)if i get anymore.i hope i can get the fox and coyote together.i did get one of a fox and possum together so maybe.

i am happy everyone is enjoying it.
You are NOT alone, I have and my BIL and nephew also. In different parts of the state.
10 years ago we NEVER saw a fox hit by a car, now hardly a day goes by.
The "Oh but you can't have ML in VA the Game wardens say so" just makes me shake my head.
My DH saw it too, but he is dead.
found this guy on my game cam after my sis-in-law's chickens were killed one night. He wasn't able to get at my chickens, but he sure did scratch up the coop!

ETA: everything you see on the coop that is not dark green is scratch marks! Time to freshen up and repaint....
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Wow, were the fox and the 'possum in the same frame? Were they ignoring one another or was one hungry? It must be a pretty heavily traveled game trail where you have the camera set up. Very cool!

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