what is this on my game-cam?

i know what the first 2 pics are but what about the rest.do you think they are a fox?


I think you won the award for subject matter and string length!!!!

Did you ever determine what type of cat it was?

Has it shown up again?

I have posted on this issue a couple of times and had my on thoughts on it being an exotic. We have had several out in our area that I have trapped. I think people get to the point the cat is too big and cost too much to feed and so they head out here and drop them off.
Your pic is of a fox. The second to last pic shows it is a fox. I have to laugh at all the people that see a mountain lion. Granted I do believe they are around but yours is a nice fox.
That tail is definitely feline. I'm going with cougar. I think they have them in Georgia, don't they? REALLY looks like a cat to me - not a housecat, tho. Coloring is not usual for a housecat, dark tip of the tail looks cougarish. Yikes! Sounds like your chick are locked up pretty well, tho.
Nope not even in the historical range for them.

Yes, they have been sighted in GA and yes, it is part of their historical range

Plus there are multitudes of confirmed sightings throughout northern FL although in FL they generally call them 'panthers'. The historical range was from eastern Texas all the way to South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi and their continue to be confirmed and unconfirmed sightings throughout their former range although the population is largely limited to southern FL.

A simple internet search will uncover a plethora of confirmed and unconfirmed sightings of panthers/cougars/mt. lions in northern FL, GA and other states throughout their former range. Some are surely released exotic pets and some a definitively NOT.

They go by a multitude of names...puma, panther, cougar, mt lion, catamount etc.
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1 pic is a FOX!

2 pic appears to be two crows

3 pic appears to be a cat type animal moving up a small hill.

4 pic appears to be a cat type animal that is closer and showing some symmetrical mottling that may or may not be a trick of the camera’s night lens. Moving the same direction approximately 1minute and 42 seconds later!

5 pic is another cat type animal 3 seconds after pic #4 most likely the same animal but not 100% sure. 3 seconds may seem fairly quick but animals can move very fast.

6 pic is another cat type animal 18 seconds later moving away from the camera.

7 pic is another cat type animal 2 seconds later moving down hill to the right. Again most likely the same animal. THESE ARE NOT FOX! I am sorry is this offends some people.

My experience tells me this is not a baby/young or juvenile Mt lion either they don't have that type of body configuration at that apparent weight and size I am gauging against the background material. This is mostly a very large house cat or an exotic that was allowed to get out. Its also probable that there are two different one’s there.

I would like to know if any other pics have been captured of cats since then.

epeloquin/woodmort: Although I agree this is not a Mt. lion as we call them in the west I can't rule out an exotic either. We have trapped several that once identified by the ODFW bioligist did not resemble the online pics we could obtain. Even the bioligist thought it was strange and he suggested that due to the amount around the state it is possible they cross bred. I have not studied what exoctics can and can't crossbreed with in our area but the bioligist seemed to feel that it is very possible and why they want them capture and held or killed.

Mt lions have a large range (We are talking upwards of 15-20 square miles) and are almost never seen in the day light. I have seen them in places where wouldn't believe and they had been there quit a while. Know one even new until a house cat was found dead next to a trail where we were able to see tracks that had no claw marks in them. (Sure sign of a large kitty) the big kitty ate the little kitty. Once we found the trail we were able to get the female with dogs. She was approximately 130 pounds not real big and answered the area mystery of missing pets!

Don't rule out that they are not there just because you haven't seen them.
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