what is this on my game-cam?

People out my way have sworn they've seen a mountain lion in Acton Mass. Many people. So now I know they aren't necessarily crazy - lol!
So it was moose last week and yesterday we had a mt lion leave tracks around my friends barn, confirmed by fish and wildlife, somehow the two must be linked
with deer in great numbers the cats are bound to follow !
well,lately i have just been carring a knife/machete thing but it is weird to walk down there in the daytime and see nothing and then to remember all the predators on the nighttime cam.creepy

Creepy, indeed!

It is wonderful, though, your game cam. I'm glued to this thread just to get a glimpse of all that nighttime activity. You've got your very own jungle out there!
I've seen bobcats while deer hunting where I live. (western Illinois) first thing I would do is upgrade your trail cam, and trim the weeds away from where your cam is at. If you do get a new one, keep the old one there too. To be honest, it looks alot like a mountain lion, but it's hard to tell because of all of the stuff you have growing around there. And i'm not sure if I would tell DNR that you think you have a mountain lion on your property. They'll be tromping around trying to find it. From now on i'd keep a gun with you at all times, just to be safe.
I say it's just not a clear enough picture to tell just what the heck it is. Chupacabra is probably as close as anything.

At least it wasn't this!


(found on internet, I've no idea the source)
good grief,thats a big hog.we don't have any of those on our property yet.our creek runs to the river so i one might decide to follow it up oneday.
I'm retired now
but used to be a wildlife biologist and that looks to be a cougar. And yes, they can be in Georgia, especially juveniles. They can travel quite a bit in search of a territory. Does the poster know the size of the large tree in back of the cougar? That could provide an estimate on body size and thus age.
Well I've only checked 30 pages or so of this thread...but has anyone suggested a snipe? I mean no one really knows what one looks like. You could always walk down there and clap your hands 3 times while calling "Here snipe, snipe, snipe!"

Worth a shot right?

And just think if it was one? You could make a fortune renting your property out for snipe hunting.

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