what is this on my game-cam?

I lost a tarantula. two of em. in my house. about 2 years ago. Never saw em again.

And my nephew lost a screw from his eyeglasses in his chest hair.


[email protected] :

I lost a tarantula. two of em. in my house. about 2 years ago. Never saw em again.

And my nephew lost a screw from his eyeglasses in his chest hair.



Tarantulas, pretty cool spiders, I lived in Oklahoma when I was a child (born there too). Tarantulas were everywhere, do not think I would like them lost in my house, just saying...... Scary, scary thought that your nephew lost his screw in his chest hair, that scares me to death!!

I particularly love how you made the face into your own version of what it looks like. The face is obscured by the weed in front of it.

I cropped it.....without changing the picture. Note how the tail is carried. I couldn't find even one picture of a mt. lion on GOOGLE images carrying its tail in this manner yet virtually all gray foxes on GOOGLE images carry their tail in this manner.

Exactly like this:

Look at the head, underbelly and tail, except for direction they are both the same kind of animal--a grey fox.
The build of the animal in the game cam photos reminds me some of this one I saw on Flickr.
The many grey fox similarities people have pointed out on this thread have me sold.

gray fox strut by randomtruth, on Flickr

If it is a grey fox, you'll want to be extra careful re. your chickens cuz they are climbers, it appears. Quote from http://hroa.us/gen_info_wildlife.htm
gray fox is the only member of the dog family that can climb trees, usually to seek refuge or in search of roosting birds...Although primarily nocturnal, the gray fox may sometimes be seen foraging during the day. The gray fox is a solitary hunter and eats small mammals, eggs, insects, birds, fruits and acorns. "

There is a discussion of problems that cause foxes to have thin tails at http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/forums/mammal-forums/47295-fox-without-bushy-tail.html, and photos of a red fox with a mangy tail at:
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All I can say this cannot be a fox the tail is really smooth and really lengthy so I believe it''s a cougar. All I can say is keep those chickens safe and make sure you keep us posted good luck
I particularly love how you made the face into your own version of what it looks like. The face is obscured by the weed in front of it.

I cropped it.....without changing the picture. Note how the tail is carried. I couldn't find even one picture of a mt. lion on GOOGLE images carrying its tail in this manner yet virtually all gray foxes on GOOGLE images carry their tail in this manner.

OUCH ! If you go back and check who posted this It was Not me I just found this pic very feline and the real person who posted it just followed the pic he saw ?? I have several barn cats by the way and their tails ae often just as the one in the picture.
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It's a . . . <wait for it>. . . <wait for it>. . . genetic abnormality that escaped from an underground cloning facility called the Fogar!!! The evil wicked scientists hidden far below in the bowels of the earth mixed DNA from the grey fox with cougar and produced a creature that, given the correct camera angle and lighting, has the body structure of a feline, tail of a canine, and actions to match both creatures.

They developed it to hunt the rare and elusive 18oz coturnix quail that is a close cousin to the 2lb bobwhite.

Since this one escaped they are now working on the chupacabra / raccoon hybrid that will have the ability to pick MasterLocks on coop doors.

You mean we're on the ISLAND OF DOCTOR MOREAU?


How did I not know this?

see, that explains everything.
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i like looking at clouds.

meara-thanks for doing that.i am glad they think it is a fox,i wouldn't want a bunch of DNR guys walking around on my place anyway.lol

thanks to eveyone who has chimed in.it has made for a very educational and interesting thread.

still nothing new guys.i haven't even gotten any of the red fox lately.i am keeping the cam set tho.

That's because the cougar ate the red fox!
Just kidding, couldn't resist!

I also believed it to be a juvenile cougar upon seeing the first posts...but frankly, the cam photos simply aren't clear enough to gauge size or type of animal, cougar or grey fox. Good observations and apt characteristics have been pointed out for both potentials. Still, without better cam footage, who knows?! I am absolutely of the camp that knows cougars (mt. lions) and wolves are in fact on the return, and present here in New England. But, I don't know for sure what animal visited your property, nor does any one else on this forum know for sure. Be safe, use extra precations to protect your chickens, animals and family, regardless.
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