What is this on the skin of 8-week-old?


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2020
Noticed this when moving them outside for the first time, they had only ever been in a brooder so I’m not sure what it could be? And how to treat? It’s just this one chicken. Thanks
Feather picking is what that is. How old are all of the chickens and how many are there? They may be overcrowded or not getting enough protein in the diet. Are they on chick starter/grower? How much room do they have? Are they going outside to roam around? I would use some BluKote spray on the bare spot or some Nustock Cream which tastes bad andis a healing cream. But the causes need to be addressed.
Feather picking is what that is. How old are all of the chickens and how many are there? They may be overcrowded or not getting enough protein in the diet. Are they on chick starter/grower? How much room do they have? Are they going outside to roam around? I would use some BluKote spray on the bare spot or some Nustock Cream which tastes bad andis a healing cream. But the causes need to be addressed.
Thanks, that was my guess because the 12 of them were getting a little too big for the brooder. Nothing horrible but I was anxious to get them outside for that reason. Now they are fully moved outside though with tons of space, indoor and outdoor. I noticed the problem and took the pic as I was putting them outside. So I’ll put the blu-kote on and keep an eye out but they should be good now!
It is amazing how quickly they outgrow their brooders isn’t it? Not to scare you, but watch out for hawks and raccoons and other predators while they are outside. When they are small, they are easy pickens. A covered run is good while they are getting bigger. Good luck with your chickens.

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