What is this she's doing?

I just took my 3 month old Americauna, Louise, to the vet for this very thing. She was coughing and she just didn't look OK. Found she may have sour crop. There is a small bulge on one side of her crop that could be something stuck in there.

She needs some oxygen and some anti bio tics as we think she may have a slight infection from this.

Coughing is not good. I'm not a medical expert, but like with children, you know when something isn't right. I'd examine her and also be careful whatever it is isn't contagious.

I immediately isolated Louise from the others when I wasn't sure what was wrong. As you know, any contagious disease will spread quickly.

I just took my 3 month old Americauna, Louise, to the vet for this very thing. She was coughing and she just didn't look OK. Found she may have sour crop. There is a small bulge on one side of her crop that could be something stuck in there.

She needs some oxygen and some anti bio tics as we think she may have a slight infection from this.

Coughing is not good. I'm not a medical expert, but like with children, you know when something isn't right. I'd examine her and also be careful whatever it is isn't contagious.

I immediately isolated Louise from the others when I wasn't sure what was wrong. As you know, any contagious disease will spread quickly.

They were out in the rain but she runs up into the roost and stays dry. I swear she sits up they and laughs at the others for not climbing up. She has been isolated from the rest( much to boths disapproval) and hasn't made that sound much after we put her in the garage. She's very upset being apart from them, and hasn't settled down yet. She's eating drinking and pooping fine, not sure how much longer I can keep them apart the others are screaming for her and won't settle down either.
She's also been doing the egg song and squatting all day. She's 24wks I was thinking she might be trying to lay her first, but she happens to be my baby and has been known in the past to fake a leg injury to get special attention. Took her to the vet and the second she was out of the crate was running around fine.
keep her dry and inside/ separated for at least another 48 hours. and keep an eye on that sound, she may have gotten a 'cold' or chill, and you don't want her to get sick, especially if its highly contagious ( like a sinus infection)
Not sure whats going on with her sorry, hope she gets better soon so she can rejoin the flock, she sounds like a real sweetheart :)

sour crop can present with blocked, big, water balloon crop with bad breath and the water coming out of the crop looks like dirty pond water. Also weight loss, reduced interest in food and reduced activity as well as this head/neck jerk thing to the side. That doesnt sound like whats going on? Or am i confused as to this illness that im describing and what sour crop is?

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Update: she fine. She never made that sound again and has rejoined her sisters. No other signs of sickness at all. Here in fl we have rain everyday at 3:30 so if this is her way of showing her dislike of rain than so be it. I will keep a very close eye on all of them this summer. Thanks for all the help

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