What is this spiral on my chicken?


7 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Tonopah, NV

Can anyone help me? My chicken is listless, has loose, green stool and now I just found this spiral pattern on her skin. Any ideas what this spiral thing is - and/or what mght be wrong with my hen? Thank you.
Looks like some kind of parasite? Maybe gapeworm? I'm very new to chickens, but I would worm them. I did a Google search but couldn't find anything pertinent, but I did find where someone else had this with their hen and used Ivermectin.
agree, worm and delice the for good measure. also you could try opening up the skin there to see if it is a parasite, like a bot fly, maggot etc etc . if its alive and moving then chances are she is infested with them/ it

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