what is this trio?

Look at the pictures full size. They have a clear golden color on hackles. Not clear white like on Greys.

You can look up Golden if you won't believe me, it's not a matter of disagreeing.. they are a genetic reality.


You can use either male SDW x BB Red= Golden Males and SDW females, BB red x SDW=Golden Males and BB Red females.

Your best bet is SDWxBB red, then an F1xF1. the males in teh first generation will be golden but light in color, The F2 males will be much better in color as they will have additional genes contributed from teh females that will enhance the genetic gold in the males. That is where the darker wing bow and bay come in as well as slightly darker hackle and saddle.
You will get quite a mix incuding SDW males, GDW males, SDW females, BB Red Females, The golden males will be a mixed bag as well as far as color quality, some lighter hackle, saddle, wing bow, wing bay some darker. Some will be silver in most areas and show the golden only in wing bay and bow and vice versa.
Thank you for all the info guys! I Was Told he Was A Golden But I Always Like To Double Check here. so this trio throwing both reds and greys is that desirable or should I look for better hens for my son? I can get better pics of them if needed too :)

Or does he need a better roo? I'm kinda fond of the Golden fella though!
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If you like him, keep him! Anybody's else opinion does not matter. I do think he is stunning though. ;) They truly do look pure American Game from their body type. Very nice.

So you were told he is Golden, and his neck and wing triangle really does have the gold color right? I think you got the proper information from the seller though- I called him being golden so....

To put the Game terminology aside- they tend to use different terminology for the very same genes as rest of the poultry hobby....

A Golden is genetically half silver and half red. .

Silver is a dominant sex linked gene, which means only roosters can have one or two copies of it and hens can only either be red or silver, never a golden.

Basically this Golden color is a "blend" of Silver and Red. The silver tries to dominate the red, but fails to do so totally in the Goldens, diluting the red to the soft gold color.

So that means they can't be pure breeding for this Golden color. You have to pair him with either or both silver and red hens.. the hens will all come up either red or silver but the cocks will come either pure silver, pure red or this Golden color.

Golden bred with red hen= daughters 50% silver, 50% red, sons 50% red, 50% golden.

Golden bred with silver hen- daughters 50% silver 50% red, sons 50% silver and 50% golden.

Your birds apparently are on a wheaten base- at least the hens are, that is why they are light colored with black tails. Wheaten roosters look just about identical to red duckwing roosters. That's a little unusual, most Goldens like him are on duckwing but there is absolutely nothing from stopping wheaten roosters from getting this color. If you like the wheaten hen coloring, you will be happy with their chicks. If you would like the Golden but maybe prefer the duckwing hen pattern, you can try putting him over clean silver or gold duckwing hens- be sure to choose those with clear crisp patterns all over their backs, with clearly salmon colored breasts.

Again, congrats on acquiring beautiful birds at a great price. Those hens are going to lay soon and will be great mothers if allowed to set.

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