What is this


12 Years
Dec 26, 2007
Tampa Bay, Florida
I ordered six Red Star pullets from McMurray it is Day 11 and one of them is not like the others. What might this be?

Five are like this ..............

and then bugack this little one looks like this!
I just rescued a Rhode Island Red chick last Friday. Of course it is much smaller but the wing coloring is the same. And RSL are crossed with a White Rock (or some other type of chicken) but it could be a RSL and just be taking after the daddy or mommy. Sorry not much help but maybe someone may chime in.

Cute and adorable chicks! How do you get such nice pix, I try but they always move to fast for me. lol
I put them up on a little platform high enough so they will not jump and they stay put

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