What is this?

Wow, that is tough.

I'd say it is a rooster. How did you get him? Did he come from a hatchery, was he from a friend, or did a hen hatch him (if the latter two he's is probably a cross).

I have a bunch of chickens that are crosses and people think it is so funny when I can tell them who their parents, grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, great aunts, etc. are.
This one and three others that appeared to be siblings, or at least they were all the same age, came from a friend. Two of them I think are Black stars, then there is this one ( there is the 4th that is also a mystery). Not that it makes any difference to me, just kind of curious. We've had them for three months now. I have been thinking that "Maggie" is really "Morris" too.
I think that's great you can recite back that many generations!!!!
Yeah, probably some game bird blood. It is really hard to tell sometimes because a lot of hatcheries don't even give you pure-bred chickens. I have about five "Cornish" hens that a judge at our county fair told be was probably 1/4 Barred Rock. She was a gorgeous hen that looked standard to me but I guess not.
I'm sure it doesn't matter because he so very pretty but I believe black stars are mutts too. I think Black Star chickens are first-generation hybrid chickens, bred by crossing a Rhode Island red rooster with a Barred Rock hen, or vice versa.

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