What is this???


Mar 10, 2015
San Diego, Ca

This Blue Copper Maran is about 11 weeks old. I got her from a local breeder at about 4-5 weeks old. She smelled fairly bad and presented very timid with the other birds that I also got from same breeder. 2 I got at a day old and are fine. 2 I waited for sexing and they came very stinky. This one had a skin condition with large hard black growths beneath her wings which I removed and began treating her for DE topically then permethrin once as well. Although I have not seen lice or mites she was very scaly so I thought it was that. I am now treating with broad spectrum antibiotics as her health is very steadily declining. She can barely stand any longer and has lost a TON of weight. as you can see in the first pic one eye is cloudy and her face is gaunt. I am wondering if she has Merek's as they were not vaccinated? But I have not read that it comes with a skim condition like this? It covers her whole body. The dark areas are hard and crusty.it is very attached to her skin like scabs.both under-wings top and bottom where they attach to her body.
Mareks has 4 types of symptoms, and one of them involves skin lesions. Some fowl pox can also infect the feathered areas of the body. But she sounds like her immunity is poor, and that may indeed be Mareks. I would contact your state vet to send her for a necropsy to look for Mareks. It would be good to know if she has it, since all chickens exposed would be carriers. Any new chicks should then be vaccinated for Mareks, and kept from the same area for at least 2 weeks to develop immunity. Mareks can remain in the dust and environment for many years. I would contact the breeder to find out if they have had similar problems.
The breeder is local and VERY oppositional. She was NOT happy to be informed her that this pullet has been ill since I received her 6 weeks ago. She INSISTS that her chickens do NOT have diseases and are checked monthly and that she goes to extreme to keep them healthy, etc etc and that it is a disease carried by wild birds and she could have gotten it any time anywhere, basically after the perfect bird left her in perfect condition. I informed her that it had a skin condition and declining health since I received it and that she died last night (after I posted this) and that I wanted nothing but to inform her so she can check her birds. Basically she is calling me a liar and ignoring my warning and findings. Which I am NOT at all surprised by her demeanor as it was the most difficult transaction I have ever had even getting birds from her. I regret it big time! The worst part is this is bird I wanted most and I really loved her. Poor girl suffered every day since I got her.
How do I find out the state vet? My husband buried her today, should I dig her up?
I'm sorry for your loss and if I were you I would take her to the vet to find out what it was and then show the breeder and maybe warn other people to not buy from her

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