What is up with Ameracaunas/EE??

Wow I guess I've just had good luck with them. :eek: I purchased minethis year from feedstores who use Cackle and C.M. Estes. Maybe they breed for personality?
Some of mine are freaky, some are sweet. I think it really just depends on the individual bird.
I have several myself and they all love to cuddle but one she is skittish and runs away when she thinks I am going to cuddle her. My Roo even loves to snuggle.. They are great
I have 2 EE's that I got as adults from a large flock. One is like my shadow, and I'm afraid she'll get hurt when I'm digging in the yard because she's usually in the hole! She doesn't like being picked up, however, if she had been hand raised she probably would be cuddly since she's very cuddly with the other EE hen. The other EE hen is very standoffish. Not aggressive at all, but couldn't care less if us humans are around. She never comes over when I'm feeding the others treats. She'd rather sit alone in the shade and eat her layer pellets. Neither one is aggressive and freakout-y like my leghorn.

EE's I think run the whole gamut of personality since they aren't a breed, but rather mutts. I don't know about Ameraucanas.
Mine are crazy too! I got 2 of them at the same time as 4 of my Buffs and I held them every day while they were in the brooder. I got 3 more about 1 week later , all from the same batch at the feed store. I did not get to handle them as often but they were all toghether in the same brooder. My americaunas are just crazy, they will not let you even think of holding them. They will screach and run if I come in the run and the only come close if they see I have a pan with treats in it. I am so close to just putting them up for adoption that it is not even funny and I will never order them again. Trudy
If you have purebred Ameraucanas as opposed to Easter Eggers, the temperament is more steady from bird to bird. Since Easter Eggers are a crossbreed and temperament is largely inherited, you can get anything. All the Ameraucanas I hatched and raised myself have been very, very sweet birds. My rooster did develop an overprotective attitude toward his two hens for awhile, but he was still handle-able. My blue Ameraucana Charlotte and her black daughter Gypsy want to be picked up and carried around all the time. And I mean ALL the time, LOL. They are amazingly beautiful and sweet birds. Charlotte's sister, Silver, was a bit more nervous and jumpy but still a nice hen.
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my EE is very friendly my pure ameraucana's are not because they were not handled much as babies.

Good Luck with your EE's,

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