What is up with Esther?


10 Years
Jun 2, 2011
I have an 8 mo old EE who is starting to worry me.... For the past three days, she just stays on a perch with her eyes closed and wont move. I felt her vent area...no bumps or anything that seemed out of sorts, eyes are clear (but she keeps closing them like she is sleeping) no bumps or bruises that I can see. when I take her down she just flies back up or climbs the ladder, goes to the corner, and sits... that is where I find her morning, noon, and night.... any thoughts? the rest of the flock is out enjoying the sunshine, and are eating and acting good. I even thought maybe she is going broody and put her in a next box with some eggs...nope... back to her lonely spot in th ecorner with her head toward the wall.
Crop felt empty. I lifted her tail and looked at her vent- It looked pink and moist, butI dont know if she is laying- I have been getting 8-10 eggs from 13 girls all winter. there are no lumps or anything in her pelvic area either... Her breathing seems ok, too. I am stumped.
So, we brought Esther inside last night to watch her more closely. I did notice that she is lifting her tail and acting like she is trying to lay or poo pr something. This morning, thinking maybe she could be egg bound, I soaked her bottom in warm water (who would have ever though a chicken would enjoy that?!) for aobut a half an hour. when I took her out, she pooed this weird looking runny almost egg yolk colored stuff...and ideas or tips? She still isn't eating, but she did drink some vitamin water through the night. I left her a container of greek yogurt, too, and will update atfter lunch as to whether or not she ate it.
i hope she gets better soon ,
i have not heard of a chicken with egg like poo , im going to read on and hope i can learn too - its interesting to learn things for the future .

fingerscrossed for your esther
sending prayers
Hi there....so sorry to hear about Esther. I am sure that the soak helped her pass whatever may have been stuck. I sure hope it was just a misfire. I will be adding prayers for her along with Golden Sparrow.

I am having strange going ons with a couple of my girls too. I found a blob of egg white with a little bit of yolk in the nesting box last night. I have been researching and found a whole lot of info on a whole lot of different things that fit and don't fit my girls. Egg Drop Syndrome, Egg Bound, Egg Peritonitis, the list goes on....

Hang in there!!
look for mites or bugs in the vent area or crest. i had a hen do that and she picked up lice from the wild birds.... I hope she is ok

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