We had a week of freezing temps and the ground was frozen solid. It was so nice for a change. Now we are back to rain rain rain for the next week and muddy back yards that suck off your shoes when you try to walk across them. I used to love the winter here in Oregon but now I think we are all praying for spring.

The weather is odd everywhere this year, it's taking a toll on so many people and their animals.
Aggh...I just want this weather to stop. We got a foot last night and it is still snowing hard. It was 8 degrees Monday night and 30 last night. At least my birds are smart enough to not even try going out in it. My goats on the other hand are not
I had to drive over the pass yesterday to get my eggs from Lisa and Im just glad they weren't a day late because the pass is closed from the snow.
10:00 am this morning, 64 degrees, at noon we had snow flurries and the temp dropped to 24, 40's tomorrow and 90% chance of snow Thursday.
Indeed very strange weather.....today very nice here now wind gusts up to 50 mph.....severe thunderstorm warning until midnight .....so to NC ......it's heading your way...oh and this is to result into a winter mix by morning brrrrrr
Right now it's just dumping snow, we have almost an inch in the last half hour...the weather man didn't say a word about this happening until it started and THEN they start talking about it.
I'm right across the river from St. Louis and it was the same for us. 64 degrees, then it just poured rain and stopped for a very short while........then it poured rain and hailed and stopped.......then 3 pm it snowed, but only a dusting. It's about 20 degrees now and the wind is wicked! Weird, just so weird!

Chickee's mom: -24
WOW! Now that is beyond cold!

Everyone stay dry & warm!
Union, that is in Celsius, and our wind chill will be warmed up to -40. Way to cold to be outside doing anything!!
Today was the first day I collected a frozen egg and it was from one of the Serama's.
Praying for warmer weather and spring and baby chicks and sunshine......

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