What is wrong with my eggs?


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
My banty hen is setting on eggs that are due to hatch Wednesday. Tonight when she was off the nest I candled her eggs just to see if there was anything in them.

All 6 of the eggs looked nothing like what the eggs in my bator did when I candled them. The air cells are all very large, and funny shaped. The contents looked very watery inside and moved all around. The chick did not appear to still be living and it looked like way to much fluid. So I opened one, and the chick was alive!!

there was a lot of yolk obiously, but it was like the egg was full of water. The rest of the contents were like water running out. Why are they like that? It's almost like to much humidity or something? maybe?
Just let them grow more. You will never know that they would hatch well!
I always leave the mystery eggs in bator and often they made me surprised
They are scrambled - put new ones under her. Those must have been kicked around alot for the watery appearance to happen. Lucky you can even candle. My broodies wanna beat the snot out of me if I even look at them!!
Infertile eggs and quitters will break down and decompose. They can get watery to the point where you can feel and hear the liquid sloshing around inside of them . For some reason this mostly happens with eggs that are naturally incubated. If you MUST open up an egg to inspect, that might still be alive, at least open it up at the large end. If it is still alive, you can tape over the hole and it still has a chance at hatching.
you say they are due to hatch wednesday but at what point did you start counting days? Did you start when she first started going broody or once she stopped laying and decided to set? Just sounds like they are not as far developed as you thought they should be.
Not sure of what time of day she started setting, so I started counting days with the 1st full day I saw her setting. And she has sat faithfully. Appears that there are live chicks in the eggs, but still alot of fluid.

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