What is wrong with my silkie chick??? Is it straddle leg?


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013

How old is it? It could be straddle/splay leg, in which case you will need to use something to attach the legs together. Some people use band-aids, while others use tape or a loosely tied rubber band. Others put the chick in a small glass or cup so that it can't lay down. They feed/water the chick regularly, and the standing straight up strengthens the legs into the right position.

Another possibility is slipped tendon. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about that to help you in treating it, but I think hat it involves pushing the tendon back into place and wrapping the leg so it stays there.

Good luck!
it hatched yesterday…. She seems very tired and just falls over. I made a rubber band/ hairband brace…. I hope this helps… it is both legs.. she is under a broody… can she stay under the broody? I gave her some more water.. he drinks with her eyes closes… Maybe she is just very tired??
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I'm sorry for not responding earlier--is the chick still alive? The rubber band/hairband brace should help at least a little, but it is possible that the chick has something else wrong with it. The tiredness could be simply because it recently hatched, or due to an internal problem.
I would use vet wrap strips,a bandaid, or tape for the holding the legs together if it is spraddle leg. Rubber bands can accidentally cut off circulation or come off, and be swallowed by chickens.Look at some pictures of slipped tendon, because that treatment is different and has to be done immediately. Here are some links:
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