What is wrong with quails feet??


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 27, 2013
Ashe County, NC

It's 4 days old, runs around, scratches at feed, eats & drinks fine. It's feet just don't work.
Sometimes when their feet are turned are turned like that at the ankle you can't straighten the tendons enough to be able to put shoes on. You may have to euthanize him if you cannot get snowshoes on him.

Edited to answer the question: His feet are like that for one of two reasons. There was either a lot of humidity fluctuation in your incubator (usually several will have crooked feet if thats the case) or he got stuck in his shell for too long.
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Yeah I have one like that right now. His one legs is really twisted. I tried to help him but its too far gone and really hurts him. He came out of the egg wrong, he pipped the small side and was in kinda sideways, so I'm sure thats what buggered his legs up.

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