What is wrong with this egg?

Help! I brought my hen inside because I assumed she had worms. She had also been broody for over a month so she was skinnier than the rest of the girls and hadn't laid an egg in over a month. I started her on a dewormer and she perked up immediately. Her comb went from pale and dry to red and plump and she seemed to brighten up. Suddenly over the past week she started molting..at least that's what I hope it is. They've never molted before so I don't know if this is normal. Over the past week she has lost nearly all of the feathers from the base of her neck down. Even tail and wing feathers. She's still eating but she is wobbly when walking..could the feather loss be causing her loss of balance? Help!!!!
This time of year, it's pretty normal for hens to go through a molt. I can't see her back super well from your picture - it looks like there might be a bunch of new feathers growing in. Is that what I'm seeing? If so, then yes, she is going through a molt. That being said, molting should not affect her balance whatsoever... Hens going through a molt should act pretty much normal, although possibly slightly grumpy because the new feathers coming in can be painful.

Does she have any other symptoms? Is her tail down a lot? Does she sit puffed up? You said she was eating, but is she as enthusiastic about food as normal? Is this the same hen that laid the lash egg?
There are definitely new feathers growing in and she is certainly not as excited about eating but still eating. I honestly don't know if she was the one who laid the lash egg but she hasn't laid an egg in a long time.
I doubt it's as simple as that. :( without more symptoms, it's really hard to know what's wrong. if she is a pet to you, then consider a vet trip. I know bring off balance probably doesn't seem like she's very sick... But they are so good at hiding illness that by the time they are puffed up and hunched in a corner, it's often too late.

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