what is wrong with this pigeons eye


10 Years
Dec 17, 2012
southwest kentucky
i bought this little guy/girl last month and last week its eye did this is it something to be cocerned about if i worm it will it go away should i take it away from everyone else it doesn't act funny none of the other have this what is it the first pic is of the normal eye. and also i was told it was an owl but what type if you can tell by the head shot if not tell me and i'll get full body pics

looks like the begining of pigeon pox if so it is exposed all of your birds pox will not kill them just make sure they have good feed and plenty of clean water it will run its course secondry infections are the killers so keep all your birds stress free a point in hand isolate all new birds it will look bad but as long as they eat and drink they will be ok and will be imune for pox
thank you if it got worst i'd be freaking out i don't raise pigeons for money and they are just a hobby. so what i feed them is just a seed mixture (cracked corn,millet,wheat,sunflowerseeds)will that be good enough for them and i just dosed them up with wazine 17 yesterday will that help in anyway. also what should i expect it to look like and do you mean its like chicken pox in people they won't be able to get it again?
yes they will have a life time imunity that is if this is pox it can get worse looking affecting all over the body warzine is not recomended for pigeons i believe ivomectin is the most recomended will treat internal and external parasites [worms, lice and mites] like i said looks like pox and young birds seem to get it most often go to the national pigeon assn. website they may have a section on diaeases or a link npausa.com
Wazine is just a really crappy, limited wormer. Moxidectin is much better - very effective, broader range, and very safe. If it is pox, then yes, it is like chickenpox in people in that they are immune afterwards. Is the eye watery? Always separate sick birds from the healthy ones.

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