What is your chickens' favorite treat?

My poor chick-a-dees. I guess I don't baby mine enough. Mine get fruit or fresh veggies, maybe once a month if I have something over ripe or something. I guess I'm a meanie. Now I feel bad.

Ever see a chicken run with a roll in it's mouth
My girls are the wierdest. Thier favorite "treats" are wet newspaper and cobwebs. What a disaster it was when I tried newspaper in their brooder (they were old enough). They would eat any that got wet. Then it would shoot straight through them in a watery mess making more wet paper. Last weekend one of the girls found some on the porch that had gotten wet and ate almost 1/3 of a section. She was walking funny after that but I don't think there's any permanent harm done.

The weird thing is they won't touch watermelon- UNLESS it's crawling with ants. Then they are more than happy to pick the ants off. They get a little melon with the ants, but won't eat any more than that.
JayBird+16 :

Currently pumpkin guts, but they seem to change their mind every 2 week so. They were really into tomatoes a few weeks ago and cucumbers before that.

I thought mine were unique....their tastes seem to keep changing. Meal worms are the all time topper on the list but corn for a while, now peas. They seem to enjoy my picking the raisins out of my home made raisin bread and picking on my PB&J sandwich. I am mainly reading this post to get ideas on what to try next...I have to try and keep up with their dynamic taste buds!​
Oh I forgot (how could I???) Chickie used to love cooked carrots and share and a soft-cooked egg with me every morning, now turns his beak up to both. Cooked chicken seems not to "go out of style" with neither Roo nor Chickie.
SO far our chicks seem to like kale (big hit), cheese, craisins, and goji berries. I'm gonna try pumpkins and grapes
tomorrow and some other ideas from this site. We were really surprised that they weren't into tomatoes.
My grocery store had some boxes of grits marked WAY down. I thought Hmmmmmm? It's corn, I wonder if the chickens would like it. They didn't. They LOVED it!!! I slice cukes in halve and when they are done they leave me a boat to but in the compost pile. Good chickens:)

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