What is your favorite breed of chicken?


Serama Chicken Enthusiast
14 Years
Nov 11, 2008
I would like to know :) I'm going to be getting eggs to start up my flock and so far I'm fascinated by the d'uccles so I will definitely be getting porcelain d'uccles! A few more that are on my mind are Mottled Houndan, Queen Silvia, Sicilian Buttercup, and maaaybe millie fleur d'uccles :)

My favorite one would still be porcelain d'uccles though :p What is yours?
Hi, I love my silkies even though they don't lay the best egg but I think my ultimate favorite is a barnyard mix sine they have such a different personality! I love Queen Silva chickens since they are so beautiful and I heard they are good medium egg layers!
I started with Belgian d'Uccles, and still have a small flock of them after over twenty years. Mine are milliefleurs, love them! In standards and Michigan, Speckled Sussex (very friendly!), Easter Eggers, white Chanteclers (not for Texas!), French Marans, and Wyandottes. I mostly avoid single combed birds, especially the cocks, because of the cold winters. You can do any of those, so enjoy. Start with a mixed group of birds that look interesting, and see what you like. Mary
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I love all of mine, and we have a mixed flock. 1 Black Australorp, who is gorgeous in the sunlight, one Delaware who talks herself, two Wellsummers who follow me like puppies, a GLW who is stunning, and a crazy little Golden Campine who likes to slide down the railing on the back porch steps. Only one is laying currently (the GC) but they're only 25 weeks and hit POL right as the short days started.

In January we're getting an Americauna,, an EE, a Speckled Sussex, New Hampshire Red, a Spitzhauben, a Brahma, a Barred Rock, and Lavender Orpington and a mystery chick. Which is 3 more chicks than I said I would limit myself to but I'm worried that Jan shipped chicks might not all make it. I'm also getting 8 layers for a neighbor because we're splitting the order.

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