What is your most clever coop/run idea?

Wow, I need to work on this 'waterer' idea for the few pens that have both chickens and ducks in. How long did it take your chickens to realize it was up high?
I like having the coop 3 feet above ground making it really easy to reach in to clean and giving the hens more room to roam underneath (we don't have a lot of room).
I like having an automatic watering system so we can take a trip without worrying about them having sufficient clean water.
Really glad the run is tall enough that we can walk in without having to stoop.
We have a pulley system on the pop door which has come in really handy.
You can see our setup on my BYC page.
It's a great door! It's been through 2 owners and still going strong!

Just so everybody knows, I sold grey my door from Foys after I made some changes to my setup. If I had thing the old way, I would still be using that door. Never had a bit of trouble out of it in 3 years that it was up. There were even a few scratches on the outside where "something" had tried to get in but couldn't.
Okay, I just HAVE to know the story behind this picture.

With some ventilation, you would win the "Fort Knox Coop of the Year" award hands-down!

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