What I've learned so far.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
This first flock of chicks has been great fun. I guess first and foremost chicks grow fast!!! We started the brooding process with a small Rubbermaid tote switched to a couple larger size totes and finished with a 6 foot x 3 foot brooder box that we built. Prepare ahead of time, build something or get something you can start and finish the brooding process with.
Dumb Chicken.... It's just a man made term, they are far from dumb.
Brooding in the house?? I guess I'd have to say I won't do that again, I'm a mega neat freak, I changed the bedding 1 sometimes 2 times a day. Washed cleaned and sanitized feeders and waterers twice a day, and my house is covered with a fine layer of dust and dander. I can blame a little of it on the wood stove. But most is from the chicks. It's messy. Next year I'll have a place out in the big work shed prepared for the brooder box.
Perhaps if you buy 1000's of chicks you make make money off raising chickens, as of right now I'm at negative 600 bucks from raising our 12 chicks. Coop costs, fencing, hardware cloth, feed, feeders, it adds up fast.
The weather has been a huge issue for everyone, I wanted to have my chicks out 3 weeks ago, it's what our plan was, Mother Nature changed our plans for us. Be prepared for longer than normal winters, the chicks may be delayed in getting outside.
My thought at the beginning was, their just chickens. When the time comes I'll put them in the culling cone and do what needs to be done. Well , big tough me, I'll still do what needs to be done but with a much greater respect for life and what it takes to get food on the table. I've spent lots of time watching and laughing at the antics of my "dumb chickens" I wish I had done this chicken thing long before now, these are just a few if my perspectives, I'm looking forward to the next batch with a little more know how
It's a wild ride, isn't it? Mine are four weeks old tomorrow and I can't believe how different it is from what I expected. We lost three chicks over the first three weeks, but the rest seem to be doing great.

They are so different in personality, too. Some shy, some sweet, some downright obnoxious (looking at my EE Chipmunk who attacks my hands... grrr... we're having discussions about just who is in charge here ;) ), some a little standoffish. All in all, I'm so glad we're finally doing it. I am lucky we have the basement in which to put the brooder. I am going to put up blankets or something to separate off the rest of the basement from the brooder area because of the dust and dander issue.

All in all, it's been neat so far!
I'm pretty much the opposite of a neat freak and I still won't ever brood in the house. The thought of all that dust in my sinuses and lungs is just
I have brooded outside twice and this time in the house.......Outside is so much better and I think its better for the chicks too. Building my third coop now!

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