What killed my babies?


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Monday I came home from work and immediately went to check on my babies. I checked under the coop and saw a bloody carcass. I was devastated. The girls were pecking at it. I pulled it out and it was my banty "Pirate". I was heartbroken. I thought maybe my girls had killed her. Upon further investigation (this website), I have found that she was killed. When I came upon Pirate she had the bottom beak, her neck bone only, all of her chest feathers, but from the top her internal cavity was cleaned out.

Yesterday, my son was sick so I stayed home with him and checked on my girls often. I found a hawk under my coop eating some of the little bit of Pirate that was left. I scared the POS off and checked on them regularly throughout the day.

Today, I got home from school and my husband noticed a patch of feathers. I immediately started hunting and I found my banty rooster "Millie" dead. His head was present about 1 foot away from the body. His one eye had been completely removed. His body was belly side up and all of the feathers were gone from his belly. It looked like the predator had pecked around a bit and then left.

Any ideas what this is? I am so sad and I hate to lock my girls up in the coop tomorrow, it is supposed to be great outside, but I think I have to. HELP me. I cannot handle losing anymore of my babies.
Most likely it is the hawk. Keep your chickens in the coop until you can cover the pen. It will continue to return now that it has succeeded.
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I think it was a Raccoon.

Sure does sound like a raccoon - When I came upon Pirate she had the bottom beak, her neck bone only, all of her chest feathers, but from the top her internal cavity was cleaned out. I think that Hawk was just helping itself to the bits of your poor girl.

I am postive that a raccoon got your poor chickens - His head was present about 1 foot away from the body. His one eye had been completely removed. His body was belly side up and all of the feathers were gone from his belly. It looked like the predator had pecked around a bit and then left.

Sorry about your losses.
What makes you positive about a raccoon? I thought that they would take the body. The other person said ta hawk. I am not saying you are wrong, I am just curious what made you say that. Thanks. Any help is better than where I am now.
I have lost over 20 chickens over the past 7 years to coons. Their heads missing, only the inside parts eaten, and feathers pulled out.

With the 1 that I lost to a hawk, all I found that was left of Speckles was feathers everywhere. She was small enough to be picked up. :(

Sooooooooooooooooooooo, unless that hawk went after your little roo, I am gonna stick with a coon.

But, do you let them out to free range when you are gone? I let them out only when I am home to keep an eye on them.
They are allowed out of the coop, but the area is enclosed. but not on the top. So, I guess it is not very secure. Some of the chickens are able to fly out of the enclosed area, but there are multiple good hiding places for them. The rooster that was killed today was often found outside of the coop. :( As he was today. When we buried him today we buried him by his favorite play place. I thought that raccoons usually took the bodies. Those stupid jerks. I hope to catch it in the trap tonight or tomorrow.
We just caught a possum. Is it possible that a possible killed during the day? Maybe we will catch something else tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the help!

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