What kind and what sex is this?

Hi Coop,

Of the eight, she seems to be #3 in the pecking order. I thought for certain that due to her size she would end up being the alpha, but the 1.5 year-old Black Star is #1, and a Leghorn hatch-mate of Gigi is #2. It's funny seeing the leghorn who is half the size, be bossy to Gigi.

Hi Coop,

Of the eight, she seems to be #3 in the pecking order. I thought for certain that due to her size she would end up being the alpha, but the 1.5 year-old Black Star is #1, and a Leghorn hatch-mate of Gigi is #2. It's funny seeing the leghorn who is half the size, be bossy to Gigi.


I was just curious because I once had a very stately Welsummer hen, like your hen there, and I thought surely she'd be the alpha. She actually was third behind two barred rocks. It was odd seeing such a grand hen being bullied by smaller birds!

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