??What kind of bantam is boots??


Jul 21, 2015
This is my last girl of unknown breed. You all were great helping me identify my other one so im posting again.

She has feathers on her feet so my daughter named her boots. She is hilarious to watch run.


It appears to be a silkie mix. I'm sorry to say, but also appears to be a rooster.

Nice looking bird, though!
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It's definitely not a rooster
it's laying small brown eggs!

Oh, that's a good thing!
I hadn't zoomed in the picture, so the comb looked really big. The picture didn't seem to be working, but it is now, and I can see that it does appear to be a hen.
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I've actually never seen a rooster in person. We have only had chickens for a month so it's all new to us. I thought silkie to but don't look like what I googled.
Here is a white silkie rooster. Yours has a similar shape, comb, feathering (not sikie feathers but the same feathering shape), beard and crest as a silkie. However, its body is a little longer.
Here is a white silkie rooster. Yours has a similar shape, comb, feathering (not sikie feathers but the same feathering shape), beard and crest as a silkie. However, its body is a little longer.
That's a rooster? It does look like her!! I can't click the pic to really see the feathers but i think it resembles her a lot

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