What kind of chick is this?


13 Years
Apr 15, 2008
This is our free rare and exotic chick that we got from McMurray. This is my son's favorite out of all of them. He named him Elvis. Does anyone know what kind he is? He was a little afraid so he wouldn't stand up, but his legs are kind of gray in color. We've never had any with the "hairdo" so we don't have a clue what kind he is. We've had him 10 days now and his wing feathers are starting to come in. They are white and black.

My Elvis was a silver laced black polish

My son said that he hopes that his turns out like that. He said that chicken is awesome!
I have a silver laced polish also that is supposed to be a pullet, but looks more like a roo at 7 weeks, so I guess I'll just have to name him Elvis too!!

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