What kind of chicken am I?

I think black Sexlink, RIR and a leghorn possibly mixed.

the earlobes look pink to me same shade on the Red ?
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I will try and double check the ear colours today. The red one is darker than the picture shows (but not dark enough to be a RIR I don't think), and as much as I would love a maran, I think I struck out there as well. Thanks for all the input though!
Black star, golden comet and im not sure about the white one almost looks like some kinda cross.
For comparison...


Rhode Island Red - My girl Ruby (Same name as yours!


Production red

You can see the difference. Penny (the PR) was sold as a RIR. Good thing I knew better
I love her just as much as the true RIR though.

Your black girl looks to have really light coloured earlobes
I wouldn't have guessed any of those breeds lay white eggs. How white is the white?

Can you take pictures of the eggs?

ETA: fixed spelling error
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I know nothing about chickens and am just getting started.........a friend gave me 8 hens that look eggs-actly like ruby and he told me they were rhode island reds..........I don't know......

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