What kind of damage can a BEAR do??

Oh my goodness

This is the deal - We've been putting out three or four traps trying to catch the mink/weasel. The bear has come at least the past three nights. He's taken the bait out of the traps and carried at least one of the traps off every night. If we suddenly have no food out there, will he turn his attention to my cages, pens, and houses?? So far he has left them alone. Now I don't know what to do. Now I'm doubly concerned for my birds.
DO NOT feel you need to put out bait in the traps to appease the bear, assuming that's what it really is. It wouldn't matter if you did or did not bait the traps. If it's a bear, it could just as easily go after any birds either way. Bears can and do tear up buildings on a whim... there is no predicting it.

Bears are near the top of the food chain, and if it wants to do it, it will, if it doesn't want to, it won't.

Do the best you can, batten down the hatches and hope for the best. Do not take excessive chances, black bear have been known to attack people.

They usually respect electric fencers, so if you can get some hot wire up, it may help. Their noses are quite sensitive and they are very smart, so they do learn.
GREAT ADVICE. But I would use magnums with 000 buckshot at night.
Less of a chance of missing. And will give you a clean kill.

Only problem with the 000 buck is that I'd wind up missing a shot while butchering the critter only to chomp down on it while eating supper. The slugs will either miss or dump the bear and I'd still have my chompers
. That is why I added repeat if needed
GREAT ADVICE. But I would use magnums with 000 buckshot at night.
Less of a chance of missing. And will give you a clean kill.

Only problem with the 000 buck is that I'd wind up missing a shot while butchering the critter only to chomp down on it while eating supper. The slugs will either miss or dump the bear and I'd still have my chompers
. That is why I added repeat if needed

Now even if I miss a shot or two while butchering, I (even without my specs on) couldn't miss a 000 headed toward my mouth. I do keep an extra set of chompers for those nasty little bird shot. Hehe Yup, those little ones are hard to find.
In NC I would be REAL careful about shooting bears with anything. You are much better off calling animal control folks or the game warden....better make sure you know the law before you do anything.

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