What kind of ducks are these?

I think you are right. After looking at mine this evening I think we have white Muscovy. The pale beaks that are tipped down at the end. Mine have longer claws, and have been making the Muscovy purring sound. So very exciting. They both were the same size at first but now one is much larger. Perhaps I have a male and female :)
The black on the head, and the growth starting on the beak....mine also has some red blotches starting on beak :)
This was last werk
Yep I think they are! My male is getting so huge and he can't support his weight for very long before he lays down. Sometimes his legs even start shaking. I give them brewer's yeast every day but it hasn't helped. He acts normal otherwise and runs around in the yard but takes more rests than the female.
Here are mine at 5 weeks.

New Freedom is about an hour from me. I'm in Lancaster County :)
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