What kind of geese are these?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
Waleska, GA
These are my sweet babies, about 7 weeks old here. When I picked up the little yellow fluff balls, the feed store lady just said they were 'buff'. I never thought about breed. She also tried to give me a male and a female. When should I be able to tell is this is so?

So as I was posting this an ad for Metzer Farms came up on the right. I looked there and found that Buff is a breed, not just a color. I believe that is what I have lol. But aren't you glad you got to see them!
Maybe someone can give you insight into gender. They are nice looking birds. Do you have a pond/ creek? I am jealous!

It's a creek. We walk them down there almost every day, hoping/assuming they will learn to go there themselves when they get older. It really isn't very deep, just a few areas where they can actually swim.
Oh, my geese would love a creek! They'd never come out again . . .

They look just like my American Buff Goslings that are that same age. They have great personalities as adults! We love ours.

You can pull an adult feather and send it in for DNA sexing, but I don't remember what company to use for that. I think it costs about $20/feather.

Otherwise, you'll find out for sure when breeding season starts -- usually December/January - although we had fun guessing before then. Usually the males will come closer to you, are more sociable and have a higher pitched voice as adults, and carry their heads more upright. The female geese are usually smaller in size, have a lower voice, are more reserved, and carry their heads lower. Right before they start laying, their rear will fill in and look like the stern of a boat . . .
I love my American buffs. Join the American goose thread! I have a one year old male and 2 "females". That hatched in March. One of the girl I am suspecting to be a boy. Hope not but time will tell.

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