What kind of hawk is this in my backyard?( Pictures)

Maybe a Sharp Shinned or Merlin - hard to tell.
I agree with you on the Sharp-shinned hawk.
Too to tell, could be a red tail hawk, a merlin, a falcon, a spotted hawk, a peregrine, too far to tell, but is not an osprey or anything bigger.
The size of the bird and the long tail point to immature Cooper's Hawk, but I can't rule out an immature female Sharp-shinned Hawk which is similar in size to an immature male Cooper's Hawk (in hawks and other birds-of-prey, the female is larger than the male).
A Red-tailed Hawk would be bulkier and larger, lack the long tail, have a distinct "V" of white scapulars on the back and a belly band consisting of dark-colored streaks. Merlins are quite small--just a bit larger than an American Kestrel and almost resemble a dove or pigeon in flight.
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Bars on the tail visible in the second picture, along with the size say that's a sharp-shinned hawk. Could be a small cooper's also, but I can't see the legs and end of tail shape.
X 2 most likely a Sharp Shinned or possibly an immature Cooper's male. Way too small and wrong conformation for a redtail.

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