What Kind of Rooster am I?


8 Years
Nov 14, 2011
Creston, CA (Central Coast)
We were told this little guy is a "Modern" Bantam; however we cannot find a similar photo to compare him to.

We believe he is 4-6 weeks old.
He has dark colored feet and is primarily like a slate grey color. The light color on around is neck is already becoming more pronounced.
We were told this little guy is a "Modern" Bantam; however we cannot find a similar photo to compare him to. We believe he is 4-6 weeks old. He has dark colored feet and is primarily like a slate grey color. The light color on around is neck is already becoming more pronounced.
He is a she and is a lemon blue OEGB.
A good show one, too. This is Burnett my lemon blue OEGB hen.

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