What kind of superstitions or maybe "words of wisdom did you grow up

if your nose itches you are going to kiss a fool
for good luck in the coming year eat black-eyed peas on New Years Day
left ear itches someones talking bad about you, right good
if you kill a spider it will rain
a clean house on New Years Day bring prosperity in the coming year
My MIL was full of them, many already listed here. Being people of faith rather than superstition, my DH and I choose to avoid those like the plague, though. So, no list from me!

***But, I certainly won't eat yellow snow, LOL.
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Some of these may have already been posted -

It's bad luck to whistle in bed or sing at the dinner table
If left hand itches you'll come in to some money
If right hand itches you'll shake hands with a stranger
Never wash clothes on New Year's Day or you'll be washing for a dead family member before the year is out.
It's bad luck to cut your toenails on Sunday.
It's bad luck to be the first to cross a black cat's path.
My grand dad used to tell me it was bad luck to drink from the "other" side of the glass.
It took a while for me to figure it out. He meant the "far side" i.e. not the side close to you. He talked me into trying it and I poured it in my lap.
I don't think I EVER saw him laugh so hard!!!
My favorite memory.

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