What kinda Chickens do I have


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 25, 2012

They only lived in dog house for 1 day before I get anyone saying that is not a good place. I was not getting chickens when I left the house, but when my husband took me to the feed store I just had to get them. So I 3 then went back the next day and got 3 more then me and my husband spent all day building a coop. Then I went back 2 weeks later and got 6 more. oh what funny.

this is before it got finished now it has sides a roof , and different place for them to sit oh and then we add porches to
Hahaa, looks like you caught chicken fever! Nice coop!

You have yourself some beautiful Red Sexlinks (the white and red ones). They are commonly referred to as Gold Comets.

The Red and Black one is a Production Red.

All of them will lay you oodles of eggs when they get around 18 to 20 weeks old.
Chicken fever yes. I thought they were stupid then I got them and they have showed me just how smart they really are. I sit with them every evening and they follow me around the yard like my 2 dogs so now I tell everyone I have 14 dogs a husband and a 10 year old. Thank you so much for your help I thought the red and white ones were a cross breed. Will take more pic of the other ones and posted Thanks again.
You're welcome :) . It is surprising how enchanting they are, isn't it?

Your Gold Comets actually are a crossbreed, but a very carefully planned one by the hatchery. The hatchery takes advantage of a genetic quirk when you cross two very specifically colored purebred birds, which produces chicks that show their gender at birth through their color. Females are a caramel color, and males are white. That way buyers such as myself who can't keep a rooster don't have to worry about getting one.

The only problem is that the genetic quirk only works once, and you can't make it work again with the offspring. You have to start all over again with the original purebreds (just in case you were considering breeding. Some people do try, and get confused why it doesn't work with the second generation).
No breeding here. Only getting eggs and lots of laughs. But I got on here today because I was trying to find out why they are not laying many eggs and then decided to found out what kinda chickens I had. Thanks for the info now I know what I have and what they say they can lay. So I will do some food changing and see if that helps.

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