What Makes these Barred Rocks And Not...................


7 Years
May 27, 2012
Lucky Duck Pond
Just curious!!!!

What is the difference between Barred Rocks,Dominiques,or Barred Hollands or any other breed that looks like Barred Rocks?

What makes these Barred Rocks?


Ginger AKA Peepers

I'm not sure about the Hollands, but Dominique have rose combs, cuckoo marans and any other cuckoos have fuzzier marking than a barred rock. the barred rock should be plump, have a single comb, and have very clear stripes, oh and yellow legs. yours are definitely barred rocks! they are gorgeous!!!
Every breed has a standard that defines things like body shape, skin colour, type of comb and other factors that make the breed. Likewise each breed has varieties (colours and colour patterns) recognized for the breed. Some breeds have many varieties, others only one or two. Plymouth rocks have yellow skin and single combs. Marans have pink/white skin and feathered feet; dominiques have rose combs, All have differently shaped bodies. Barring (as in barred rocks, one of a number of varieties of plymouth rocks) is crisp white stripes on a black background (think of it as looking like it was drawn with a straight edge and a marker); cuckoo barring is fuzzy white stripes on a black background (think of it as being drawn freehand with a crayon).

Marans and dominiques have cuckoo barring.
This may be a stupid question but.........

Is there a way to tell if my birds are Production birds?
I got them from a guy off Craigslist and didn't think to ask where he got them
I know that they were vaccinated.

and they are Barred Rocks - some of the pictures are older and some are newer.

They are production or utility birds. I must say this, they are better looking, at least one is, than many Barred Rocks that folks get, quite honestly. Are they up to the Standard for the breed? Oh, no. But about the only way you get birds of that quality is directly from a breeder. They are hatchery quality, as is often said here on BYC. Again, nice birds.

Here are some of our true bred Barred Rock from a heritage strain that is 100 years old.

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They are production or utility birds. I must say this, they are better looking, at least one is, than many Barred Rocks that folks get, quite honestly. Are they up to the Standard for the breed? Oh, no. But about the only way you get birds of that quality is directly from a breeder. They are hatchery quality, as is often said here on BYC. Again, nice birds.

Here are some of our true bred Barred Rock from a heritage strain that is 100 years old.

WOW Those are NICE !!!

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