What ONE person ?

you know it
My mom, committed suicide, 14 years ago today.

I am so sorry gritsar. Today must have been hard for you. I hope you are o.k. and my thoughts are with you
:aww gritsar......... I have been so close to suicide too many times in my history........... so sorry to hear of all the people who were successful..........the pain you all must feel..... :aww
Thanks y'all. I miss her terribly still, especially when I'm very upset and want my mama (yes, you can still want your 'mama' @ age 45). I wouldn't wish her back and into the world of pain she lived with for nothing.
One thing I'd like to say that I think is kind of important, actually two things. A few months before my mom died I took heed to something I was always reading about in Dear Abby. I sat down and wrote my parents a 5 page letter telling them how thankful I was to have them as parents, in both the good and the bad times. It was very hard for me to write that letter, but I'm very thankful that I did. My mom left a request to be buried with two things. One was my deceased baby brother's keepsakes, the other was that letter. So please, think about writing one of those letters if you are blessed enough to still have your parent(s) with you. You'll never regret it.
The other thing, don't want to start a theological discussion here, but....as a child I was raised Catholic. As an adult I became a member of the Wesleyan (Methodist) faith. When my mom died the little catholic girl in me had a hard time with the concept of my mom going to hell due to the suicide. I spoke to our senior pastor about it and what he said has always stuck with me. He said when a person commits suicide, or takes a life and commits suicide (as one person posted here) they are in no way in their right minds and God doesn't judge people that are not in their right minds. Believe it if you want, discard it otherwise; but it's brought me alot of comfort.
I bid you peace, Kat
That is an awesome story bout your coming to terms with her suicide and where she would go..... God is an awesome God for sure.......thank you for sharing......... I miss my dad to this day........I have told them in a letter a few years before he died.......for that I am grateful....good advice grit...............
there is a way that seems right unto man but the end is death.. I truly believe you can't judge a man until you have walked in his shoes. It is the heart that tells all not necessarily the actions. We all do things out of desperation and lord knows I have been close to suicide before. By the grace of god I am still here. He is a loving father.

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