What ONE person ?

WOW....we just had that happen a little while ago. My H's mom put a girl up for adoption a year before he was born. A year ago, H was 38 and sis was 39......His mom told him about sis because sis had tracked her down. So we all met and it was so cool. Amy was, and still is so full of questions. She wants to know EVERYTHING about H's life because she feels that she all that he lived was all that she would have lived if things had been different. I hope that made sense
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Thanks okie! i wasn't on here much. My 6 yr old was in the hospital for a month with a vp shunt infection and had to have it removed and a new one put in. My DH was up there with him, so I was at home running the house with all the chores to do and little computer time. I missed being on here! Things are getting back to normal finally, so I'm back!!!

:aww I am so sorry..... caringbridge is a wonderful sight.I have a friend whos grandson is on there..........glad you are able to make it back in....hope and pray you are able to rest in all of this......
Same here! I was so sad when he died. I cried and cried! I had told my mom the day before he died that one of my "really want to do things" was to go to Australia and meet him. I feel so sorry for his family too.

ME TOO! That was always my #1 dream. Im still saving up to go to Australia Zoo. I would love to go and see it. I got Terri's book, My Steve, for Christmas. I finished reading it the other day, and the last 2-3 chapters just killed me! I bawled like a big baby. Its really crushed me. But, I know that the only thing I can do is be a Wildlife Warrior and help continue with what he was doing. I just hope I can amount to something like he did.

Okiechick57- I know for a fact I wont be the first in line,lol. I guess I'll just have to elbow everyone out of the way.
Most definitely my great-grandmother! I was very close to her before she passed away in 1993. She was such a magnificent lady! She loved owls passionately, so this summer, after much thought and input from family, I got a Burrowing Owl tattooed on my shoulder blade for her. The eyes are her bright blue eye color instead of the owls natural yellow. I may not be able to talk to her again...but she's watching my back now!

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