"What People Think I Do" Meme Contest! ***WINNERS ANNOUNCED***


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Aug 30, 2007
New York State
My Coop
My Coop
Some of you may "know your meme," others may not. Here is a description of the "What People Think I Do / What I Really Do" meme from KnowYourMeme.com:
"'What People Think I Do / What I Really Do' is a series of visual charts depicting a range of preconceptions associated with a particular field of occupation or expertise. […] this series compares varying impressions about one’s profession held by others, self-image and the often mundane reality of the job."

See the winners here!!

Some notable examples:

We thought it would be fun to have our members work together to come up with some examples about raising chickens (or other poultry).

Some examples:

  • What do your friends think you do?
  • What do your neighbors think you do?
  • What do your kids think you do?
  • What do your coworkers think you do?
  • What does your spouse / significant other think you do?
  • What do you think you do?
  • What do you really do?
  • … and any others you can think of!

You can either:

  1. Use the template below, fill it out, and post it as a reply here, or
  2. Reply and post one or more pictures with an image and then the text below it


The best submission will get a 6 month free GFM for themselves or a friend!

We look forward to your submissions!!!

Note: You don’t have to have a ton of different boxes. If you want, just have a single picture and the "what xxxyyy think I do" under it.
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OKAY!! Finished Product.

That's a good one!

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