What predator is this

I actually had raccoons tunnel in from below. so I had to put chicken wire on the floor.
Consider the following. Setup a night light and a baby monitor. Light, even though of low level will allow chickens to see bad guy and produce alarm calls. The baby monitor will enable you to hear the alarm calls. Then you will be able to respond in a timely fashion. Losses to predators like raccoons, opossums and owls are generally not quite or quick,
@ centra: That is a great idea about the night light, never thought about that. I have the baby monitor but have a goose instead of the night light lol. Anything she hears she starts honking.

She wakes me up a couple times a night but I never see a thing although I'm sure there is something there they just didn't bother my birds.

Good luck on catching whatever it is. I still cannot even catch a picture of what killed my birds. It's very frustrating.
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I wanted to update everyone about my situation. The first thing I did was search the coop for holes that a varmint could get in and didn't find anything but upon my search I did find a rat about 4 inches long that had built a nest behind my nesting boxes. I killed the rat and set live traps out for several nights. I did not catch anything or lose any more chickens. So either he rat did it or the real predator moved on.
I wanted to update everyone about my situation. The first thing I did was search the coop for holes that a varmint could get in and didn't find anything but upon my search I did find a rat about 4 inches long that had built a nest behind my nesting boxes. I killed the rat and set live traps out for several nights. I did not catch anything or lose any more chickens. So either he rat did it or the real predator moved on.
If a rat got in....how did it get in?
Small weasel could get in the same way rat did.
raccoons take it with them more than not. I have experienced birds taken by raccoons, weasel/minks, possoms foxes, owls, and hawks. A raccoon will usually eat more than that, they are a big animal, and usually leave with it. Every kill that I had proof of a mink being the culprit, the victim was beheaded only, but usually the mink killed more than one. an owl is the only bird of prey I have ever seen inside a building, but they would most certainly take it with them and would not eat the head.

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