What predator left this behind?


Feb 13, 2015
So we discovered some evidence of, lets call it a non-chicken, in the coop where our broody hen has her 2 baby chicks. I was hoping to get some opinions from this knowledgeable crowd on our CSI evidence. There is debate in the house DW says opossum and DH says squirrel. What do yall think?

I think hubby might be incorrect. :confused:

I think squirrel turds (I can't believe I just said that! :lol:) are probably smaller and more like small tootsie rolls than the big ones. :lau

No, seriously... I'm sorry for your loss. :(

Hope your fix works. :fl
What an awesome/gross chart!

I think it is OBVIOUS now that it was most likely a Moose :)
You should have seen the first chart I tried to post! It was so bad, that since I couldn't figure out how make it go into a tab, I deleted it. :cool:

I was thinking it was probably moose too! :lol:

Glad you caught it. I didn't dispatch the first opossum I though my dogs killed when we moved here, but quickly realized it was playing dead! Back then I thought of them as garden friend, since they really are. Very clearly not chicken friend though. :hmm

By he WON'T be returning... I figure you did the RIGHT thing and dispatched?! :highfive:

Not relocated as some folks do... convincing themselves they are doing the "humane" thing, because they aren't familiar with the reality of being dumped in a location where the food, water, and shelter sources are unknown and it may well be another animal territory. Just another death sentence carried out by the SAME person but in a different manner. :smack

Were you able to tell male or female? Any babies in its pouch?

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