What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

Coolest Rabbit Breed Out Of These?

  • Holland Lop

    Votes: 108 21.3%
  • English Spot

    Votes: 14 2.8%
  • American Fuzzy Lop

    Votes: 11 2.2%
  • Mini Rex/Rex

    Votes: 107 21.1%
  • New Zealand

    Votes: 95 18.7%
  • Polish

    Votes: 13 2.6%
  • English Lop

    Votes: 33 6.5%
  • Mini Satins/Satins

    Votes: 14 2.8%
  • Lionhead

    Votes: 112 22.1%

  • Total voters
Quote: It's one of the odder things that the Mane gene does. On a DM Lionhead baby, the hair on the middle of the back grows in significantly sooner than on the sides. If you look at the picture, these kids have significant fuzz on their backs, while their sides are basically still bare. Single-maned babies don't do this, just the Double-manes.
Quote: That's why I used words like "often" and "may." I had one Holland Lop doe that was still producing 6-8 kits in a litter at the age of 6, though there were often a few that were underdeveloped or otherwise unviable. She was the exception in my rabbitry; IME, most does show a significant drop in fertility past the age of 2, and many don't produce anything (if they are even still alive) at the age of 4.
Sooo my lionhead mama had not 3 but FIVE babies! Lol 2 were hiding in front corner of the nestbox this morning when I went out there to check on them! Never even saw them yesterday but then again I didn't dig around too much either.

bunny photobomb. I guess I know which one is going to have the personality.
That's why I used words like "often" and "may." I had one Holland Lop doe that was still producing 6-8 kits in a litter at the age of 6, though there were often a few that were underdeveloped or otherwise unviable. She was the exception in my rabbitry; IME, most does show a significant drop in fertility past the age of 2, and many don't produce anything (if they are even still alive) at the age of 4.

My mini lop had her first liter at the age of 3 and this years she's 5 and had her last I'm getting out of her. We're selling all of the ones that aren't pets or show/breeders. Making cage space.
I have a flemish doe with 10 babies. They are 2 weeks old and the doe is being a champion mother. All the babies are fat and happy. Problem is the doe is looking a bit thin in her face and hip area. She has lots of milk and is eating and drinking plenty. I give unlimited timothy hay and pellets. She also gets some romaine. It there anything else I should be feeding her? Any supplements?
I'm very new to rabbits
I got this nzw x silver fox doe this past Saturday. Her name is Grace, and she was born in April. The lady I got her from for the basis of my meat rabbit herd said to wait until December to breed her?

I'm picking up a purebreed nzw doe tonight that's just 2 months old. What questions do I need to ask? The sired parents are on site, the daddy buck is 16lbs!

I was planning on breeding the biggest buck each doe produces onto the other doe, for hybrid vigor to get into my freezer fastest, what age does one start breeding? I will maybe also breed my Grace onto the 16lb nzw buck first? I had thought maybe my nzw x silver fox was old/big enough to breed?

I feed pellets, which Grace could take or leave it seems. She loves hemp stalks (hemp is legal to grow where I'm at) & it's pretty nutritious compared to alfalfa etc as far as fiber, protein, vitamins minerals, but it is just a supplement/treat. She hates green beans. Of course she gets pellets and as much alfalfa as she wants.

How do I get her more easy to handle? She really tore up my bf AND my 24 year old son when we got her home, I mean really started blood dripping everywhere! My bf won't let me try to hold her/bond/pet her b/c she is so strong and mean. She's beautiful though, and I guess even though she's dark, she and the male I was planning on breeding her with will throw out white, blue and her dark coloring babies from what the lady who sold her to me said.

Any help is appreciated!
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Was brushing out my lionheads this morning and my little buck's eye is doing much better. So it must have just been an irritation of some sort or maybe something was in there like someone mentioned. Glad it was nothing more. Phew!

These little babies are so cute. Still have no idea on colors although most seem to be getting a brown tint to them.
So a couple nights ago we had an accident with our rabbits.. One of them, my favorite one (he's pictured in my avatar) bit me really bad and it was actually my fault... but anyways he didn't let go for a really long time and when he did i put him in his cage and honestly I was mad at him so it never occured to me he could be hurt too.. So just now i went to bring him an apple slice (a peace offering) and he was eating it and i noticed his upper lip was red and swollen.. upon further inspection he is missing a tooth and another one is broken. and the slit that goes up to their nose (i don't know what to call it..) is completely ripped.. he's eating fine and he let me touch it.. but i feel so bad! i was in total tears while looking at it!

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