What should a Duck embryo look like when it's close to hatching?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 5, 2014
Can someone post some pictures of what a live Embryo should look like in the later stages? I didn't mark when the mom started sitting on them and then the eggs got eaten and the momma duck got attacked trying to save all the eggs. Then she died on her nest trying to save the one last egg the animal didn't eat yet, So I saved the last egg and I am incubating it. And I have candled it and would like to know how to tell if it's dead alive and how old it is if that's possible. Thanks so much:)
How long was she sitting on the eggs? You can do the float test or candle and look for movement. As a general rule, if you can still see veins, it's alive. I' keeping my fingers crossed that you can save her last baby!

Also, I'm so sorry for this tragedy. I don't know what kind of horrible beast would do that, but she must have been one heck of a good momma to stay there right 'til the very end. I'm so sorry, sweetie...

Edit: Also, here are some cool images I've been using to help gauge my own ducklings. I hope they're helpful!

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I'm not sure how long she was I forgot to mark it, I candled it last night and it looked kind of like day 22-24. I am pretty sure it's alive because of the heat we have here if it wasn't alive wouldn't it start to smell? Thanks so much for you help

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