What should I be feeding my flock during amprolium treatment for Coccidiosis

@Wyorp Rock, we have not yet de-wormed. The news of 3 diseases present at once in the flock with the potential of Clostridium perfringens and Necrotic enteritis causing even more challenges has been overwhelming, we are tackling the treatable (non-Marek) illnesses one at a time, and with some hesitation towards the mode of treatment. The flock owner does not wish to use synthetic drugs, especially ones that entail a withdrawal period from eggs. Amprolium has been the exception we've implemented so far, but it took a lot of convincing from different sources that synthesized compounds are the only way we could successfully save these birds at the stage they are in with the Coccidia. I think the same belief should go for the roundworm infestation, allowing for heavy duty chemicals when the situation calls for it, but since it is not ultimately my decision to make, I cannot treat with fenbendazole or albendazole
Oh dear!
Is there a way for you to convince the owner to consult a vet for treatment options?

Coccidia, worms, Enteritis, Clostridium Perfringens - all are damaging to the intestines, not to mention the overall health of the bird, so getting them all under control at once, imho, would be a very good idea.
I do understand that your hands are tied as far as treatment goes, but if the goal of the owner is production, then treating would be beneficial on their part. Sick birds don't produce. You want to eat meat/eggs from healthy birds anyway right?

We are not vets here on BYC, so do keep that in mind. Birds can be treated for Coccidiosis, dewormed and treated with antibiotics all at the same time. I do understand the concern about withdrawal periods, those vary depending on treatment.
I can't imagine what you are dealing with and how frustrating it must all be since you do not have control of treatment.

Do the best you can with what you have.

As for how often to feed wet or fermented feed - I don't think there's a magic number. Some feed everyday, while others only a few times a week. I offer wet feed daily but the birds also have dry feed free choice too.

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